designed by saebo
Inspired by a bunch of cute watermelon pouch (not strawberry) i found on pinterest, this doll was created. I worked on the bottom first, then body, head, and then arms. I put a lot time designed how her hair should be. At first I tied in the back with a little front hair fall to the both side of the cheek but it look messy. Then after i decide that i would make it simple with big bun, I got pretty confused with hair accessories. Should it be leaf headband? Or twisted turban? or just a simple headpiece with flower. I actually made all of them and tried it one by one to see how it looks, and i like the leaf with flower headpiece the best.
I actually made watermelon bag so people would notice that it's watermelon girl, haha. But whenever I look at it, it just too crowded. So i decide to make the bag as an accessory.
I had a super enjoyable time when i made this doll. I spent two days, working day and night, stealing time when my little girl was sleeping.
This doll will be available to purchase on moselo and shopee but after I finished another doll.
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